Rozruchy w Egipcie
Jak podaje AP w Egipcie zaczely sie protesty. Byc moze skoncza sie szybko jak w Tunezji ale moga trwac. Nie jest to nam obojetne, bo 5 marca may rozpoczac nasza wycieczke po Egipcie. Zadaja odejscia prezydenta Mubaraka, ktory sprawuje wladze lat 30- sci!
Protesty maja trwac takze przez noc. Policja uzyla sily wobec dziesieciu tysiecy demonstrantow.
Zginal policjant.
Protestuja tez w Suezie, gdzie zginelo dwu ludzi.
In Washington, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Egypt's government, a key U.S. ally in the Middle East, is stable despite the outpouring. Clinton said Egyptians have the right to protest, but urged all parties to avoid violence. No i jeszcze jeden przyklad jak politycy sie myla.
W prasie amerykanskiej czytamy "
Like the Tunisian protests, the calls for the rallies in Egypt went out on Facebook and Twitter, with 90,000 people logging their support on the site. Organizers used the site to give minute-by-minute instructions on where demonstrators should go in an attempt to outmaneuver the police. By late afternoon, access to Twitter appeared to have been blocked." Zablokowanie dostepu do internetu niewiele zmieni a protesty beda narastac.
In another parallel with Tunisia, the protests drew energy in large part from the death of one person: a young Egyptian man named Khaled Said whose family and witnesses say was beaten to death by a pair of policemen in Alexandria last year.
Policjanci zostali oskarzenie i jest proces. Ale to nie oslabi protestow.
Dowiadujemy sie tez ze " protesty w Tunezji
Tunisia's protests were also sparked by the death of one man: a poor Tunisian vegetable vendor who set himself in fire to protest corruption.
Last week, several people in Egypt — and elsewhere in the Middle East and North Africa — set themselves on fire in apparent attempts to copy his actions.
"This is all just a waste of time," said Ali Mustafa Ibrahim, who works at a cigarette stand. "These are a bunch of kids playing cat and mouse. ...
Ha to tez mi znane. Po wprowadzeniu stanu wojennegow Polsce zapytane panie emerytki oswiadczyly, ze dobrze jest, porzadek musi byc. Te protesty to tylko utrudnianie zycia!
W Egipcie 80 milionow ludzi tzn. prawie polowa, jest tuz na granicy z nedza ; co stanowi 2 $ na dzien wg. wskaznikow UN.Oczywiscie rewolucja nie zmieni tego stanu, ale bunt ma tu tez swoja przyczyne.